Green is the New Black

Everyone wants to be "green,"  whether it be through recycling or repurposing, myself included! I love scouring pages on Pinterest, looking for the next great DIY idea, and hoping for some way to reuse something rather than throw it out.  

Incapahco Artisans Long Lake
Incapahco Artisans Long Lake

Louisa Wright has taken her passion for art and repurposing and turned it into a business. Incapahco Artisans has been open in Long Lake for five years now. Louisa herself is a 6th generation Long Laker, coming from a long line of guide boat builders, carpenters, and artists, and Louisa doesn't seem to have fallen far from the tree! Louisa left Long Lake after high school but found her home town calling her back. For a while she taught classes out of her home studio, but realized there just wasn't enough space. She has now found her place right on Main Street in Long Lake. 

Incapahco Artisans Long Lake
Incapahco Artisans Long Lake

In her shop, Louisa likes to offer a variety of "walk in" projects that people can come in and create. She teaches classes and workshops, including some on repurposing. Louisa can frequently be found at the dump, looking for "cool junk!" She has made rustic mobiles from chandeliers, decorations from rusty old silverware, and has even made fairy houses from things found in nature such as leaves, moss and tree bark! Anything can be reused and made into art!


Fairy House Incapahco Artisans
Fairy House Incapahco Artisans

Louisa has her shop open from May through October. Stop by and check out her creations, and if you're feeling inspired try your hand at one of her walk-in projects. She does also schedule special "Girl's Night" events and other classes. With projects for all ages, its a great place to stop and check out!

Stop in to Incapahco Artisans today and start creating! And with lots of great restaurants and other shops just around the corner, why not make a day of it? Check out all of the great events in Long Lake and schedule a weekend to visit!

This week in unique ADK greening news:

Yours to mine

A mountain for all ski-sons

From engines to ensembles

Mooving to the music

Opera-ting under new management

Tie into the past

Coasting on the thrifty side


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